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Women in Business : Eden Kersten

Eden Kersten is the honey and incredibly talented florist behind The Botanist. She is casual, unflappable and gorgeous as ever! Charmingly shy, yet extremely outgoing. Eden is a girl who knows what is up, but also knows a thing or two about flowers - she makes it all look so beautifully effortless. We chat whilst collaborating on our Primavera spring image project about style, shoots as well as weddings…

Flowers is one of those daunting areas where you really need an expert for guidance – ideas, availability, colours, and cost. Where do you even start?! 

 Eden Kersten wears Saben Juno Tote for the Women in Business portrait series

Eden kersten wears Saben Juno Tote

How would you describe your style?

I try to be unique and different and it is never style as such for me, just if I dig it, it fits and it ain’t too mediocre (or stained) I’m into it. And AWAYS denim. I am more about quality, key pieces over a bunch of items that I’m not really into.

What drew you to the Juno Tote?

It can easily fit a wine bottle.

It was so much fun to work together on our spring image project. Where did the inspo for the floor arrangements come from?

If I can’t suspend it then let’s have it coming from the ground! Really just trying to create a relaxed vibe, and it helps when you’re surrounded by beautiful blooms. It was also there to try and keep me still.

Your Primavera arrangement was inspired by coveted Saben style, Big Sis Tilly in chestnut. The colours fit so perfectly, tell us more:

I used slipper orchids and begonia leaves as the details in these flowers are just incredible, I feel like they are not your stereotypical flower and they showcase so much personality. I love how each bloom is different, and how the heads stand proudly on top of their furry stems. They also last for weeks and are very rare on the auction floor these days

Eden Kersten head florist at The Botanist works her arrangment for Saben Primavera image project

Saben Tilly Big Sis Chestnut tan for Primavera image project

This wasn’t your first collaboration, what have been some exciting projects you worked on in the past and how do these usually come about?

I’m always up for helping to promote nz brands, especially if it’s something that I’m automatically drawn to, there have been quite a few in the past but I’ve just been working on one with Puhoi who have really come out with the goods!

How would you describe your floral style?

This one’s actually a really hard one! It’s constantly changing depending on the product I have to work with and sometimes my mood. But hopefully, always beautiful.

Can we chat weddings for our engaged readers - What stage of the whole process do you like to meet the bride?

At the end when the weddings over! That is when she comes in to give me a big hug and thank me for making it everything she ever dreamed of. That, and the very first time I meet them to get a vibe of who they are. All of the in-betweens are just lots of emails…

Are there any key questions that you feel a bride should ask their florist?

Yes absolutely, if I would be happy to have what they are after at my own wedding. That and establish if they are open to suggestions.

What are the best way brides can use to find out what flowers are in season for their wedding date?

Check out NZ Instagram pages of weddings that the florists are prepping for the week you are planning to wed.

Do you find that brides come to you interested in very specific flower varieties? Or are they more concerned about a particular colour palette?

Only if it’s for peonies! (Always peonies.) Otherwise just a style and colour palette.

How do you work on the day? Do you prep the majority before?

All week preparing the flowers, so usually over 7 days prior to the wedding date we start the process. Then the majority of the work is done the day before, then final touches, binding, installing etc on the day.

What advice do you have for a bride to find a bouquet that suits her dress?

Usually the rule goes, big dress dainty flowers, fitting dress large flowers. Also, if the dress has lots of details to stay away from busy looking bouquets, but in saying all of this I don’t think it should really matter, as long as both the dress and flowers are beautiful you can’t go to wrong.

What are some of the biggest wedding trends and floral themes among your clients lately?

It’s still stuck in a bit of a same-same rut to be honest! But I’m seeing lots more dainty, elegant posies and meadow-like arrangements.

You’ve recently sold the business to Diana… Tell us about your journey growing The Botanist.

It’s been a rewarding challenge, from a little boutique florist to a thriving flower factory. I’ve loved every minute being able to do what I love.

And now, how does it feel working IN the business alongside Diana?

Great, no more admin! It’s wonderful having the support and someone who is just a passionate about the business as me.

Diana Pan and Eden Kersten of The Botanist for Saben Women in Business portrait series

What can we expect to see from you next?

There are definitely exciting things happening for me and my family in the horizon but for now I’m looking forward to spending the summer with my husband and son Jude, more holidays and expanding my creative-tick, possibly in a different way…

BUT flowers will forever be my click.  

Eden Kersten from The Botanist wears Saben Bex handbag in chestnut tan leather

Eden Kersten head florsit at The Botanist wears Saben Bex handbag in chestnut tan

To see more from The Botanist, and for your daily dose of floral inspo join them on instagram @TheBotanistNZ  and become insta-pals with Eden @EdenKersten 

You can shop bouquets online: BETTER YET - until the end of November, if you use the code SABEN you receive 20% off your order! (As if you needed any more convincing!!! Make your day, or make someone else’s and celebrate spring with The Botanist!!!)

Eden wears and loves Juno Tote and Bex handbag in trans-seasonal favourite chestnut tan. Shop Edens full edit on our collection below.