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Mums The Word: Amie Brodie

Amie is a creative, from a design background it is easy to see where this full-time mama channels her spare creative energy. Her insta feed is swoon-worthy, for a hit of style inspo we suggest a scroll @Amie.Brodie. Wardrobe envy aside, we catch up with Amie to chat motherhood, her kids Maori heritage and the confidence that comes third time round... 

 Amie Brodie

What does motherhood mean to you?

Motherhood is experiencing so much love so strongly that it overflows to tears. It is nurturing, caring, magical and messy all in one. A beautiful chaos. It is one of the most difficult jobs there is, yet it is the most rewarding. Motherhood is expecting to teach a little human about life yet learning just as much from them. It is sleep deprivation & exhaustion but it's also seeing that first smile, that first tooth and that first step. I wouldn't change it for the world.


Tell us a bit about your babies...

I have 3 babes... Finn, 9 my strong-willed leader. Amira, almost 4, a princess with lots of sass and Ari, my 8 month old chubby lion.


What is the biggest difference in having Ari compared to your first time with Finn?

I'm so much more relaxed. I think with your first, its all new so you tend to stress more and worry about all the little things. Third time around, Ari just has to go with the flow. I have school and kindy drop offs/pick ups and all other things in between. Those rigid sleep routines you had with your first...the ones that made you never leave your house or socialise, yeah they're gone!


From all the things you know now; If there was something you could tell yourself before having Finn, what would it be?

To relax more! oh and have all the sleep-ins! because once you have kids, there's no more.


Your husband is of Maori decent, is this something that your family identifies strongly with – in a deliberate way, or is it a very casual part of life?

A very casual part of life. We actually joke and say that I know more Te Reo than my husband and he's the Maori one! We will endeavour to teach the children about their culture and heritage. I love that Finn's school embraces the Maori culture and Finn recently joined the Kapa Haka.


Talk to us about the values you hope to instil in your children

I think first and foremost its teaching your children to love and be kind to others no matter their colour, shape, race, gender or beliefs. Other great values are honesty, respect, forgiveness and compassion and teaching your children about determination and not to give up. Children are very good observers and they follow what they see. So as a parent its our job to be role models of the behaviour we want to see.


How will you be spending Mother’s Day?

With my family! it usually starts off with the kids jumping on me in bed, handing me a present (usually chocolates) and opening and eating my present for me haha. We'll go out for lunch or coffee and I also fit time in to see my mother and give her a big hug! She’s my world too!


Motherhood is unrelenting, how do you recharge?

All the coffee! I enjoy a coffee from Starbucks most days. Also shopping. Who even are you if you don't like to shop? I also try to exercise a few days a week. It’s great for clearing your head and re-energising. It really works wonders.


Is health and fitness a priority in your home, if so what does look like?

Yes, both hubby and I enjoy weight training at the same gym. If I can't get into the gym during the week I'll aim to get out for a walk or a run on our treadmill. We also try to eat as best as we can. Lots of wholefoods and try to stay clear of processed foods as much as we can. I do however have a weakness for chocolate. So I've been attempting to curb that addiction with raw treats and bliss balls. Easter doesn't count!


Advice to anyone wanting to start this journey but struggling to commit to making a priority…

My advice would be to find an exercise you enjoy. You are more likely to stick it out if you enjoy it. Pumping iron at the gym might not be your thing. You may prefer cycling, swimming or walking. Find your jam - then you're more likely to stay motivated and stick it out. Healthy eating is a lifestyle choice, it’s something you have to consciously choose to do everyday.


What do you look for in a handbag?

I love a bag I can wear crossed over my body so that my hands are free to look after my little people. I also like a simple yet sophisticated style and Saben bags are exactly that.


Favourite Saben style/why?

I love the Matilda. It’s not too big or small and can still fit a nappy or small bag of wipes (mum essentials, right?) Its uber-stylish and goes with any outfit.


Next on your Saben wishlist:

Either Saddie or Tillys big sis in Chestnut. I've yet to own a brown bag and would love one to change things up a bit and to go with different outfits.

 Amie Brodie wears Saben Big Sis Tilly with chain handle