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Mom's The Word - Kim Thomas

Graphic designer, homemaker and mother of Jake, 19 months and partway through baking baby number two, Kim shares with us what she loves most about being a parent and her move from the city to live the dream in the country...

Kim wears Matilda in black suede

Best part about being a mother: Watching another human grow and learn right from that first moment (circle of life style). That precious moment when you get a proper big cuddle.

Favourite parenting advice you received: Relax and enjoy the ride. The advice stream is constant—I’ve got my panel of experts (aka. other mothers winging it) on speed dial. Also pretty much every time I call my mum. She loves to remind me (usually with very little sympathy) that all Jake’s little ‘quirks’ sound very similar to what I was like, but that’s always followed up with practical, experienced advice.

What you didn't see comingThe importance of self-care. I like to be busy and spend a lot of energy doing things for other people, so this is something that’s taken me a while to learn to do but taking time out for myself has definitely made a positive impact on how I handle the crazy work/family balance. 

Another surprise was the home environment going from being a haven to being my workplace. I struggle to focus if the house is a mess, Adam comes home from a busy day in the city and can’t wait to relax at home, and I’ve spent the day running around after Jake with clean up on repeat so I want to get out. Regular evening trips to the local beach have been a great way to give everyone some wind down time together.

Moving from the city - country: I still manage to get my city fix at least once a week, whether it’s meeting a client, a dinner date at a favourite restaurant, catching up with friends or a family outing. As much as I love the hustle and bustle, there's something about the drive home that is so relaxing. It's forced time to slow down, meditate and soak in the countryside, not to mention getting some excellent use out of my music collection. We have an awesome backyard that we wouldn't have if we were still in the city, and to me that is priceless for our kids.

Home life: From pushing his dump truck down the hallway at 6am (live-in alarm clock) to splashing around in the paddling pool out back, Jake has his own little paradise in Waiuku. If we’re not at home, we’re out at friends farms or at a local beach. Jake loves hunting for big shells and chasing the waves.

Getting that balance between your work and motherhoodWe are lucky enough to have an amazing support network—without them this balance would not be possible. In particular, Jake loves going to Nana & Papa’s house for sleepovers, which allows me a few undisrupted hours to catch up on work—productivity is at a whole new level during these times! My studio space is currently in our living area so Jake can play while I’m working. We’ll always have lunch together, and try and get out of the house every day. Nap time is go time.

Values you want to instil in your children: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Weekend ritualFamily time. Jake has man-time with Dad while I get a sleep in (when did "sleep in" mean an extra half an hour?) and then we spend the day together. Often involves visiting friends, working on the house, or a trip to a local beach/park. On Sundays we go to church and spend time with family.

Mother's day wish list: A cup of coffee in bed & a cooked breakfast (that I haven’t cooked) with the family.