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Catching up with Alice

Alice_header   Lights-8 - Copy   GETTING TO KNOW YOU: Recurring dream: I dream about handbags… joke. Oh and snakes weirdly that course some crazy sleep walking and talking What gets you out of bed:Music and coffee for sure. When I’m in a good routine exercise Listening to:I love music….It’s the first thing I put on in the morning and the last thing I turn off at night. Spotify fanatic and currently loving George Ezra, Lilly Wood and of course Ben Howard. Discovering new stuff all the time though….never a dull minute Favourite hour of the day:Morning. Early. Definitely a morning person Fantasy duet partner:  Oh wow this is a hard question. Someone soulful… Sam Smith Chris Martin…..deep thought provoking music. Signature dance move: Fist pump Irrational fear of: Hmmmm I’m a bit of a clean freak so I guess dirt……is that a fear? Heights more and more the older I get. Favourite holiday spot: Everywhere….I’m one of those people that falls in love with everywhere they go. I spent a year in a half in France though so I do have a certain soft spot for that country and its people People are surprised at: My junk shop addiction…..I love to collect and do up retro furniture You never leave the house without: Phone…..sad to admit it but it’s the truth   Lights-291   STYLE FILE:
Clothing item you would never part with: Leather jacket
Clothing item you would ban: Kumfs
Style crush:Kate Moss for sure… of the best
Purchase regret: Hmmmm lots of things really. Mainly bright coloured pieces as I just always revert back to Black and neutrals. I’m quite particular with my wardrobe though and not a hoarder. If it’s not getting mileage it’s out
Purchase lust:Really wanting a cool denim jacket actually. Leather one is ticked. ….although you can never have too mainly leather jackets
One essential when Packing for holiday:Camera hands down
One essential when packing for business:Computer
What is trending that you can’t get enough of:  Birkenstocks…..I have wide feet so they are perfect for me.
ROUND UP: Style is:Unique, creative, thought provoking and more than meets the eye Genius is:Having an open mind Success is: Thinking outside the box and turning your dreams into reality HANDBAG: Carry-all or clutch: Carry-all Cross-body or shoulder tote: Shoulder tote "I have lots of hand bags but always revert to my good old fav Quinn……..just really the best style ever" If we had a sneak peak in your hand bag what would we find? Note pad, phone, make up, sunglasses, perfume Which style is your Saben soul mate? The Quinn….I love her!!! Just the best style, shape and feel ever!~ 04 Saben Quinn Black Front RRP$450