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Nespresso in the Capital

Nespresso lovers REJOICE! Wellington has the NEW 'hot' spot

Nespresso Boutique, 215 – 229 Lambton Quay, Wellington, officially opened last Thursday and we have the sneak preview! We are delighted to share that this new boutique is using the latest global design; divided into different experiential zones letting customers create their very own coffee shopping experience! Customers will be able to enjoy joining Nespresso in the comfort of the Club Room, a complimentary degustation of Nespresso’s Grand Cru coffees in the Coffee Room, explore the latest machines and accessories on the Machine Gallery and also return their used capsules to the recycling area located within the boutique (Perfect for the eco-friendly warriors).

2013_11_07 1834 Campbell Nesspresso Boutique architecture

2013_11_07 1834 Campbell Nesspresso Boutique architecture

2013_11_07 1834 Campbell Nesspresso Boutique architecture

2013_11_07 1834 Campbell Nesspresso Boutique architecture

To celebrate the NEW boutique opening we have dived into the NEW Kazaar and Dharkan intense range - seems fitting as we LOVE a good strong coffee! Nespresso has refined the art of crafting intensity of flavour and aroma with Kazaar - the authentic and powerful Grand Cru with a raw intensity of 12 and Dharkan- the  more velvety with an intensity of 11, derived from long roasting at low temperatures.

We #SABENLOVE Nespresso

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Love the Sabenettes xx