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Melbourne Playlist

Brooke is in Melbourne with FINZ  doing a "Path to Market" course, specific to our Aussie neighbours. Perfect timing, as Melbourne Fashion Fest is on! The few days are proving full on, and very exciting! She is attending export seminars and forums which are forcasting the future of the fashion consumer and the culture of retail and online shopping. Ofcourse she is sipping coffee in graffiti clad allys and being inspired by the rythym of a fabulously fashionable city... And at the top of theMelbourne playlist is Crave You by Flight Facilities featuring Giselle. This sweet tune is being used to promote the planned Melbourne Emporium, an 8 level shopping destination in the middle of the CBD, due to open 2013.  This one is going straight onto my ipod. Enjoy! xx Emporium Melbourne... and the Flight Facilities video.... cute!